Management Leadrship

Management Leadrship

Whether person is working for a large corporation or a small corporation, if they’re a manger or owner, there is always going to be areas of needed improvement. If there is not, before they know it competitors will start taking their new and existing business that should ultimately be theirs. A viable business needs solid leadership and proficient managers to maintain blissful environment for their employees and gratified customers. While some businesses are able to function without proper leadership, strong leadership must exist in order for a business to succeed.
What is Management?
Management is said to be a supervisory force that oversees employees, projects and production for a organization. (Reh, 2014).
All good management starts with planning. If a plan is not set there is no possible way for management to succeed. Once a plan is set, it is then up to management to make sure that the plan is initiated. It’s important for a manager to ask questions such as, are the employees trained to complete this job? Are they enthused? Do they have the tools to get the job done? The organization portion is key to the employee’s success. Management has to do the leg work make certain that everything is in place in order for the plan to be executed. Once management establishes the organization, they then have to apply direction. This particular part of management is similar to conducting an orchestra. Although everyone knows what instrument to play, they still need to know what section to play in and when to play. Once everything is established and moving, management then has to monitor. By monitoring management is making sure that everything is going to plan. Although some problems may occur it is up to management to make sure everything remains on track.
What is Leadership?
Leadership is said to be both skill and science. The skill of leadership is making people more efficient than they would without leadership. The science is the process that...

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