Marking the Most Important History of the United States

Marking the Most Important History of the United States

In the upcoming presidential election, the two main candidates are Barrack Obama and John McCain. Will you be a part of history and vote. November 4th 2008, will mark the most important day in history for the United States of America. This well known day in America will become the making of a historic time in for this county, crediting either the first female Vice-President (Sarah Palin) on the John McCain campaign, or the first African-American president (Barack Obama) for the United States of America. This is an important time for our country which will depict the next 4 years of direction our country will be headed towards.
They both have very different opinions of how to create peace in Iraq and the surrounding countries in the Middle East. Obama has promised to end the war and pull out the troops beginning immediately after his possible election. McCain has decided not to promise for immediate peace, but instead will continue in the war until the Iraq government can hold itself up. He hopes peace will come eventually. Both Obama and McCain have extremist points of view on the war and how to resolve the conflict in Iraq. The American people need to take the good ideas about peace from both of the candidates and combine them to form the best possible way to create peace in the Middle East.
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