Mass Media: Influence on Attitude, Beliefs and Values

Mass Media: Influence on Attitude, Beliefs and Values

Questions to answer when doing my essay~
• What are my concerns, attitudes, beliefs, and values?
• What are my principles that shape my attitudes and beliefs in relation to the speech topic?
• Why do I think this argumentative speech topic is very important for public discussion?
• What argumentative speech ideas are appropriate to the ocassion and to the audience?

The mass media, including tv,radio, newspapers have a great influence on people and especially on the younger generations. It plays an important role in shaping the opinions and positions of the younger generation. Do you think the media and things have a bad effect on the upcoming generations? Do you think that’s why kids are being introduced to more drugs and violence at a younger age?

The news media thrive on conflict. The lead story for most news programs is typically the most recent and extreme crime or disaster. Conflict attracts viewers, listeners, and readers to the media; the greater the conflict the greater the audience, and large audiences are imperative to the financial success of media outlets. Therefore, it is often in the media's interest to not only report conflict, but to play it up, making it seem more intense than it really is. Long-term, on-going conflict-resolution processes such as mediation are not dramatic and are often difficult to understand and report, especially since the proceedings are almost always closed to the media. Thus conflict resolution stories are easily pushed aside in favor of the most recent, the most colorful, and the most shocking aspects of a conflict. Groups that understand this dynamic can cater to it in order to gain media attention. Common criteria for terrorist attacks include timing them to coincide with significant dates, targeting elites, choosing sites with easy media access, and aiming for large numbers of casualties.[1] Protesters will hoist their placards and start chanting when the television cameras come into view. It...

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