Mass Media Law and Ethics Study Guide

Mass Media Law and Ethics Study Guide

1/19/15 Mass Media Law & Ethics // Chris White

Most missed questions on quiz: 2,8,10
Libel – using factual information that could harm someone’s reputation

Founding Documents

 •Magna Carta (1215): King John to respect feudal rights & Habeas Corpus! 
-It’s English but still a founding doc.
-The King NOT an absolute ruler & NOT above the law.
-Clause 39: “no free man should be imprisoned…except by lawful judgment of his peers”.

•Declaration of Independence (1776):  est. free, united colonies. 
-Self-evident truths: “consent of the governed” & “life, liberty & pursuit of happiness”.
- Jefferson’s summary of grievances that justified ind. from King George.

•Articles of Confederation (1781): established confederation of states,
-Created during Revolutionary War
-Federal gvt. had little power to tax, enforce law, etc.

•The Constitution (1787):  described functioning of US gvt -Executive, Congressional, Judicial Branches, etc.
-Est. a more powerful federal gvt.
-Didn’t describe rights of individuals which is why BOR came along.
•Bill of Rights (1791): noted limits of government & rights of citizens.  
-First Ten Amendments = most important afterthought in human history?
-In response to some of the grievances vs government powers enumerated in Declaration 

The 1st Amendment: no law respecting an est. or religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the ppl peaceably to assemble, and to petition in the gvt. For a redress of grievances. (Basically freedom of and from religion, speech, press, assembly, to petition the gvt.)
-Blueprint for democracy
2nd: Right to bear arms
4,5,6,7,8: no unreasonable search, no cruel and unusual punishment, right to speedy and public jury trial, right to confront accusers, due process, no double jeopardy (essentially from Magna Carta)
13tH: outlawed slavery
18th: Prohibition
19th: Suffrage...

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