Mastering a Skill - Morally Sound Communication

Mastering a Skill - Morally Sound Communication

There are also consequences for not having the skill of communication. Not communicating in the right way can have disastrous results. There can be times that we have to be the bearers of bad news. Not knowing how to transmit bad news can make us seem as arrogant and rude. It builds slow trust among co workers or even bosses. Misunderstandings can arise from bad communication, lowering the morale of who is around them. Having a good position at their work and not having the communication skills needed, can also cost the company. It can create problems when it comes to deliveries, returns, and packaging. These errors cost money not to mention the company’s image and reputation. It also affects in the way we need to make decisions or solve problems. At school, if we do not know how to communicate with students, we may offend them by making them feel that we know more than them. And if we cannot communicate with our instructors, it can affect a grade, not to mention a whole course. Not knowing how to communicate can also affect a relationship. Not having the communication needed in a marriage will lead right to divorce. And why should that have to happen? I think that the breakage of a marriage because of little or no communication is unnecessary and hurtful. As parents, not knowing how to communicate it can affect and we hurt the relationship with the children. If the communication needed isn’t there, children will get the idea that the parents just do not care. We need to know how to communicate with our children about sex, drugs, violence, and anything in their lives that can produce permanent damage to them. And if we do not have effective communication with our children they will not feel they need to have it with us. There will be times that we need to deliver some kind of speech. When this time comes around and the communication of the speech is not what it is supposed to be, it can destroy the purpose of the speech. It will be...

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