Math essay: linear equation

Math essay: linear equation

In order for companies that deal with shipping freight and logistics across the world, they most likely use linear inequalities to help them solve how much of their stocked items can fit into a shipping container or truck. This way of math allows them to know how much of their manufactured product can be shipped at once in a truck or container. It also allows them to figure out if they need more trucks or containers to fill for their orders.
On page 539 of our textbook, problem sixty-eight states:  The accompanying graph shows all of the possibilities for the number of refrigerators and the number of TVs that will fit into an 18-wheeler. A truck can carry maximum of 330 televisions and no refrigerators, or maximum of no televisions and 110 refrigerators.
The diagram that I have drawn out for myself and within the textbooks shows that number of televisions is the y axis while the number of refrigerators is the x-axis. I have two points on my number line graph which are (330, 0) and (0,100). These numbers will allow me to figure out the slope of the line.
m=y1-y2x1-x2=330-00-110=330-110=66-22=-3 So the slope of my line equals -3.
I now can use the point-slope form of a linear equation to write out my equation.
y-y1 =m(x-o) The point-slope form of a linear equation
y-330=-3(x-0) I input the numbers into the correct positions in the equation and then will shift or distribute accordingly.
y=-3x+330 Next are the steps I need to take to get to my linear inequality.
3x+y≤330 The linear inequality I will be using for the rest of this problem.
The graph that I have drawn and that is in the textbook has a solid line rather than a dotted line which means that the points on the line can be included in the solution set.
I still have two more parts to solve for this problem before I can begin on the next part of this assignment. The a part that problem sixty-eight asks me is to see if the truck will hold 71 refrigerators and 118...

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