

PARA DESAYUNO (For Breakfast)

Plato Principal (Main Dish)
Huevos Revueltos (Scrambled Eggs) $4.25
Sandwich De Queso (Grilled Cheese) $3.25

Plato De Acompanamiento (Sides Dish)
El Tocino (Bacon) $1.00
El Pan Tostado (Toast) $0.75
La Salchicha (Sausage) $.075

Fruta (Fruit)

Platano (Banana) $1.00
Frutero (Fruit Bowl) $2.50

Para Beber (Drinks)

El Café (Coffee) $1.45
El Te (Tea) $1.50
Jugo De Naranja (Orange Juice) $1.00


Plato Principal (Main Dish)
Hamburguesa Con Queso Tocino $6.95
(Bacon Cheese Burger)
Sandwich De Pollo (Chicken Sandwich) $5.99
Las Papas Fritas (French Fries) $2.50

El Vegetal (Vegetable)

El Escabeche (Pickle) $0.75
El Tomate (Tomato) $0.75

El Desierto (Desert)

La Galleta (Cookie) $1.50
El Helado (Ice Cream) $2.25

Para Beber (Drinks)
Fuente De Aqua De Soda (Soda Fountain) $1.25

El Condimento (Condiment)
El Catsup (Ketchup)

PARA COMIDA (For Dinner)
El Apertivo (Appetizer)

Mozzarella Frito (Fried Mozzarella) $4.95

Plato Principal (Main Dish)

El Salmon (Salmon) $19.25
Pechuga De Pollo Rellena $15.95
(Stuffed Chicken Breast)

Plato De Acompanamiento (Sides Dish)

Patatas Al Horno (Baked Potato) $4.95
Espinacas a la Crema (Creamed Spinach) $4.50

El Pan (Bread)

Pan De Pasas (Raisin Bread) $2.50

El Desierto (Desert)

Pastel De Calabaza (Pumpkin Pie) $3.95

Para Beber (Drinks)
El Vino (Wine) $4.00

El Condimento (Condiment)
La Mostaza (Mustard)

There are differences between Vladek's past and present selves. Chief among these differences is his overall demeanor. In the past narrative, Vladek is loving and kind in his relationship with Anja, and calm and composed in his dealings with other people. But there is no love in his second marriage to Mala, and the older Vladek is quick to anger and feels constantly imposed upon by those around him. At the...

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