Media Craze

Media Craze

Media Craze Introduction Media is everywhere; it has become a part of our daily life. Its impact is vast in shaping the life of an individual. Media has the potentiality to shape one life. Media as we all know is a medium like TV, Radio, Newspaper, internet, etc. we know that all good things have both good and bad effects, likewise, media too have some positive and negative effects. Media craze is the negative effect of media on this world. Media craze means strong interest or administration in those mass of communications. Media craze has the potentiality to become the greatest problem in the society. Place of Media Craze on Society Media craze exists in the society where many group of family members live together. In a family grandparent are interested in watching religious programmes. Parents are influenced in news, reading papers and magazines. Children on the other hand are totally attracted towards entertaining programmes. They like to chat in the net and watch movies, cartoons, etc. Media craze exists everywhere in the society but mostly in the children’s. They watch violent scenes on TV; their nature tends to be the same. There are many incidents where children try to imitate the super heroes and it results in death. Studies often get hampered and lapse of concentration occurs due to excessive watching on television. When we did research on media craze we found out the following statistic: {draw:frame} This goes to show that students are the major category where there exists more media craze. Media craze doesn’t exist in adults as they are busy in their daily schedule. In old age people in old age people don’t want to use media resources, they just want to take rest. Not only our research the research taken place in South Australia’s Flinders University also shows that “television advertising featuring idealized thinness negatively affected both the mood and the body image of adolescent girls, with those in the 13 - 15 year age group...

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