Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

With how the economy is today minimum wage is difficult to live off of. I hear from people all the time talking about what a hard time they are having trying to get by on minimum wage. Minimum wage should be raised do to high gas prices, the cost of living and raising a family. The average price for a gallon of gas is $2.98 a gallon in the state of Florida that is according to So that means a person working for minimum wage would need to work about five hours to make enough money to get ten gallons of gas. The cost of living has also gone up; many families have lost their homes do to such high prices. It costs around $3.67 for a gallon of milk. It would be almost impossible for a couple working for minimum wage to keep up with the cost of living. Trying to raise a family is very expensive in general. People working for minimum wage, while trying to raise a family usually need to find outside help such as food stamps to support their families. Some families even work two or more jobs at a time to make enough money to support their families. Minimum wage should be raised do to the economic problems in today’s world. To many people are struggling trying to make ends meet. So from the research I have done it would help the economy if it was raised. What do you think? References:

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