modern dance v ballet

modern dance v ballet

Ballet VS. Modern Dance
The definition of dance is “To move rhythmically using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures.” Two very different forms of dance are ballet and modern dance. Many questions have come up in relation to these two distinct forms. Can you dance in a modern style without having classical ballet training? Can you dance in a classical ballet style without having modern dance training? After presenting these two questions, people will often argue over which skill is required for what dance. Another controversial issue is what type of dance you should learn first to benefit to your highest degree of comprehension and skill level. Ballet and modern dance are two of the dances I prefer to watch. Ballet leaves me in a trance watching the grace and beauty of a ballet dancer. Modern dance is great to watch as well because there are so many different dance moves and body movement you could never tell if someone had done the wrong step.

“Ballet originated in in Renaissance courts of 15th century and later developed into a concert dance in France and Russia. It is based on French Terminology.” (Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia)
Ballet is a form of expression that uses unique and systematic language. Ballet shows how a dancer’s body can be toned, strong and graceful all the while expressing itself with a beautiful delicacy. The primary dancer if usually female and she often has a male partner when performing in pairs.
A relatively common feature in ballet is the floor patterns. This is where form and repetition come into play. The dancers use a lot of circular shapes most often around the main dancer and these shapes are repeated and developed throughout the dance, Line is also very important because when the dancers are performing they also tend to have straight lines formed towards the audience, Their movements in these straight lines are small, quick and delicate and they work best when the dancers are all in unison....

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