

Energy Crisis. Cause or consequence?.
SUMMARY: No government can claim past or present that could not foresee the growth in demand and / or deny the "core" of the electric power scheme for any socio-economic development. Maybe someone forgot to invest unexpectedly.
As we all know we Argentines engaged in a de facto situation that some have decided to call "energy crisis", which particularly affects the industry today "electric.” Clearly it is clear that the rating that I had anticipated (crisis) is opposed by governments and members of the energy sector, and their reasons for existence try to explain very briefly.
The power is in its different variants: a public service for home use, an element of the production of goods and services, contribute to security, both public and private business, for members of the business sector; a component for measuring inflation, to governments, and above all, a big problem for them.
Note that this universe of areas makes a minimum in the electricity sector (vrg. shortage, increase prices, cut supply) can shoot the cost of living, inflation, bankruptcy of enterprises, desaceleramiento of production, declining quality of life, the closure of markets and so on. . .
That is, the power is more or less, but in the end part of a universe of areas, and their scarcity is problematic. Therefore, the current state of demand for electric power consumption that looms larger than the meritorious, it is undoubtedly a critical situation. In summary, if something that is almost essential to life in the modern world (power) is not in sufficient quantity to meet demand and comply with the universal, the situation is none other than the "right or wrong qualified. "
Now the current state of things should lead us to a question indefectible. The crisis is a cause or a consequence? Several doctrines underpin both scenarios, those who argue that it is a cause (in which the government is enrolled) understand that the high economic growth began...