Motivation in the workplace

Motivation in the workplace

Motivation in the workplace

Employers for centuries have asked one simple question; how do we motivate our employees to do the work we have hired them to do. In the quest for this answer psychologist and researchers have discovered a list of many different motivational techniques. Every business has one major goal that is to be successful and most employers understand that success is dependent how happy their employees are. First this essay will give a brief history of an origination that the author worked at, second the essay will exam motivation and how it can affect productivity in the workplace. Third the author will analyze two motivational theories and how these theories may have made a difference to the author and her commitment to staying with this company.
Tandem Northwest is an agency that has nine homes that they support. These homes have individuals with physical and mental disabilities. The author was hired to work at a direct care staff this meant the job was to support the people living in the home with their daily needs and help them achieve their short and long term goals. Once a month the house would have a house meeting in the house meeting the team would talk about what was working but more so what was not working. This meeting normal would turn into an argument of what shift were not doing their work. Within a short time this agency showed its true colors, not only in how the people supported best interest was not a focus of the agency but also how they had no desire to make their employees happy. When the author went to her manager to discuss some motivational strategies she was shot down with comments like “there is nothing we can do to motivate employees because she was not able to offer any kind of raise”.

Motivational strategies and productivity
There is a distinction between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a reward that comes from within us. An example is when people do things...

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