Mummies Bones and Body Parts

Mummies Bones and Body Parts

Tyler Myers
Book Report
Bristow 3rd period

In the book Mummies, Bones, & Body Parts, it mostly talks about how mummies are created and different scenarios in people’s lives where they have encountered mummies, tombs, or body parts. For example, a man and his donkey were walking, and his donkey stepped in a whole. The rider saw something reflecting from the sunlight and dug open the whole. He then found a tomb with 100+ mummified bodies in it. The book also talks about people who had died and bodies were found years later. Such as the Ice man.
The iceman is a man considered to be a farmer who went into the mountains and died there. Two hikers found his body while they were hiking. Scientists found out that he had a broken rib and they figured that moving his arm was hurting his rib so he could barely move to find food so he eventually died and was found hundreds of years later. His body was very well preserved by the ice and he is now in a museum somewhere in the world.
The book explains how bones were used to solve a crime. Overseas, there were bones found in a trench and they believed it to be a missing woman who disappeared years before. Then the husband later confessed to murdering his wife, cutting up her body into a lot of pieces, and burying her in the trench. He was put in jail but some scientists found out that the body wasn’t even the wife’s. So the man confessed for no reason. But that left an unanswered mystery. Whose body parts were they? I forgot if they found out if they figured out whose body it was and I don’t want to go in the back to get my book because I will get written up. Although I do know that the body was a body of someone from a long time ago. The book is very good and if you want to learn about bones and scenarios and how mummies are made, then you should read it.
It also talks about how scientists can tell how old bones are or when and how that person died and at what time period they lived in. To me the book...

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