Music Matters

Music Matters

Music Matters

Thousands of years ago when humans were in the early stages of complex societies there was a practice that was consistent throughout the globe. It wasn't the written language, the mastering of metallurgy or religious practices. It was music. Workers would often sing songs as they labored along the Nile in Ancient Egypt. All kinds of folk gathered to hear the bards of Greece sing long tales of heroic battles and minstrels mused over the divinity of their emperors in the royal court of the Forbidden City. Even the most primitive tribe/nations would beat war drums as they endured long marches into battle. The art of music has been a long standing custom in human society as the most popular form of creative self expression and entertainment. It has worked wonders as a form of artistic communication and stands as a benefit to our mental health. It also is a rewarding knowledge set that can benefit other academic pursuits. Music matters to us because it is an essential part of our everyday life.
Music is an incredible form of communication. First, we entertain ourselves by listening to music as well as creating it. We connect to the artist's message by hearing it but people feel music with their mind by connecting the emotions that the artist is portraying with their own. It can bring intellectual and emotional impulses through the sounds. It’s more than just a way of connecting thoughts and emotions its a voice to speak though. As a form of expression music can be far more powerful than the spoken word. Extremely powerful messages have been given through the medium of sound. It has roused entire generations to form their own opinions and rally against the cause of war. It has been used as a bold declaration of freedom through many patriotic anthems. It has even been used in the fight for a nation’s independence. Estonia used their long standing tradition of singing to rally against their Soviet oppressors. After much staunch resistance in this...

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