My Chance to the Inauguration

My Chance to the Inauguration

As an African American young woman and a first generation, low-income college student from a single parent home, I feel as though Barack Obama has given me the motivation and encouragement that I need to continue to pursue my goals. Growing up, I felt that I would always carry a burden. After all, I was born into a life without lavish things, a safe neighborhood or wealth. Consequently, I thought I would never graduate from high school, have a good career or be successful in life. I was stigmatized by my surroundings and the manner in which everyone around me led their lives. I don't feel this way anymore. With the change and hope that Obama has brought to the nation, I am certain that I can actually be anything that I want to be. He has broken every barrier imaginable, something that I too plan to do one day by becoming the first African American women to serve as a United States Senator from Virginia.
When Obama goes to the Capitol to be inaugurated, he will not be going alone and neither would I. With us, would be the spirit of our late grandmothers, our ancestors, and all those who could only have dreamed of this moment. A dream that I too once shared, until the night of November 4, 2008, when that dream became a reality. We, as Americans, united that day with one common feeling, one hope, one goal, one dream that has come true - Barack Obama will be President of the United States of America. It feels so gratifying to say that. It's really happening and we have lived to see it. America is finally changing.
It brings real tears to my eyes to imagine having such an honor. It would be a moment that I would never forget to remember.

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