my journey

my journey

When you are fighting in your own journey it could mean many different things. For example when you are fighting with your best friend, or a close family member and you feel like you can never forgive them for what they did to you but then you have that one mentor, or someone who is there for you and helps you through the situation so you and that one person can become close again. Me being someone who is a neophyte to drama I wasn’t very prepared for the situation I had gotten into with my older brother, Jordan. My journey had consisted of three categories , separation, initiation, and return.

My older brother Jordan is someone who always thinks is right. No matter what anyone else says or suggests he is always saying or doing the right thing. You can never convince him that he was wrong for something even if it is true that he was wrong. The situation between us was that he had a motif that I had tried to kill him because I was jealous of him, which definitely was not the case. With me I had and still do have a prestigious life to uphold in my family. I am the one in the family that everyone trusts and who is the one that takes care of all of the babies and helps with anything and everything that I can. When this was all going on at home I never let it get to me until finally he kept nugging it on and i finally cracked and started screaming at him and he just laughed in my face which had made it worse. I had had enough and so then I called my father so I could try and explain to him what all the arguing and yelling was about. My father was the one who had all the rectitude in my house once my parents had divorced and my dad was the only parent and or guardian in my house.

When you swear that you are never going to talk to someone ever again you must be really tired of the drama or just done with all of that one person's way of how they speak to you and act towards you. And I had gotten to that point, I thought for sure I would never speak to...

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