My Second Chance

My Second Chance

My Second Chance

“There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.”- [From the song ‘Stairway to Heaven‘ by Led Zeppelin]

We all have done something in our lives to where we look back and wonder, “What was I thinking?” What I didn’t consider though is how much my actions would impact my life 11 years later. I was taught very young that nobody is perfect. As I get older, I have come to realize that I have learned and grown from these mistakes. As a result I have become a better person.
After careful consideration, I finally decided it was time to return to school and begin working on my future. My plan was to take a Certified Nursing Assistant course, obtain my license to work in the healthcare field, and continue school for nursing. In August of 2008, I attended an orientation for CNA students. The first step was to turn in the paperwork for my medical examination, which was completed 2 weeks prior. Second, I registered for my class, and I was pleased to know that I didn’t have to make the dreaded downtown drive. The last thing I had to do was check with the paralegal to see that my already submitted background check was complete.
I walked up.
“Hi, I’m Nicole Lipski; I just need to check that you have everything you need from me.”
The paralegal must have heard me say my name to the director of the nursing program because she already had my folder in front of her.
“Nicole, do you remember what I told you about marking the box ’No’ by the question pertaining to if you were convicted of anything when you think you may have been? If you do this and it comes back that this is not true, you may be rejected in your clinicals.”
The look on her face reminded me of my mother’s after I upset her when I was younger, a look of disappointment.
I could feel my face get hot and turn red like an Arizona sunset. My heart beat so fast I thought it would jump right out of my body. I looked at her with a...

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