

I want to become better at math so I can easily calculate expressions, equations, binomials, etc. I want to be able to do things this very quickly because I am planning on going to business school. I liked many things about my previous math class. One thing I liked was that the teacher explained in detail what we are learning and she also proved it by using examples. I learn math best when the rule, definition, sets, etc. are proved to me in some way so that I can make logical sense out of them.
My three personal goals for this class are to re-learn some of the lessons that I had forgotten in Algebra I, learn easy short-cuts for doing math problems, and learn how to use algebra in the real world. I would be thrilled if I earned a grade of a ninety-seven or above. I would be happy if I earned a grade of a ninety-four. I would be satisfied if I earned a grade of an eighty-nine. I would be disappointed if I earned a grade of an eighty-five.
In my opinion, to be a successful math student, the student would have to be able to catch mistakes and be able to apply math into the real world. There are some qualities that a student needs to have is he or she want to be successful. These qualities are that a student has to think outside of the box, be organized, listen in class, and a hard worker. I have the quality of listening in class and I am also a hard worker. This year I am starting to become organized by using a separate binder in every class instead of using one binder for one class. I need the teacher to be able to prove what she had explained is correct by using examples so I can relate those examples to different math problems. I also need my parents support in guiding me to the right direction to achieve the most I can. From myself, I need to be motivated to want to learn something new each and every day so I can exceed in life.

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