Native Class Rules

Native Class Rules

We have 10 primary rule in native class. There are:
-We aren’t allowed to speak in Indonesian for any reason whatsoever,unless we ask permission from the teacher. Only English allowed
-Be polite and listen, don’t interrupt the teacher when he is speaking.when doing activities or conversation work.don’t interrupt your friend.
-Ensure the white board is cleaned before the beginning of the class.
-All students must wear a name card displaying their name first as it appears in the class register.
-All students must have a note book specifically for the native conversation class.
-Handphone must be switched off.
-If a student cannot attend the class because he/she has something to do for another teacher,a signed letter from the principal or the home teacher must be priveded
-No food or drinks in the class.
-Put all your bags and belongings under your desk.The only thing you need on your desk is your English note book and a pen/pencil.
-If you are asked to move furniture, do it quietlty.
Another rules:
1. Follow directions.
2. Raise hand to speak.
3. Stay in your seat.
4. Speak appropriately to adults and peers.
a. No profanity.
b. Use only given name. (Ex. Sam, not Dogg)
c. No name calling or teasing.
d. No verbal abuse or threats to anyone.
e. Never talk back to the teacher! Bite your 
tongue first.
f. Speak Standard English in school. 
5. Behave Appropriately
a. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
b. No flying objects.
c. No physical or verbal disruption.
6. Absolutely no bullying behavior is tolerated.
a. No physical, verbal, sexual harrassment.
b. No hurtful teasing, gossip or isol...c. Everyone in this class has the right to 
feel safe. Another Rules:-Keep body parts, objects and unkind words to yourself
-Be in the proper place at the proper time
-Use materials and equipment properly
-Always walk in the building-do not leave seat while the teacher is teaching
-hands, feet, and objects to yourself...

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