Nature Vs Nuture

Nature Vs Nuture

My definition of Nature is any personality, character trait, or physical trait that is inherited from a direct family member or indirect family member. Two examples of how nature has affected my life are; One my fathers walk and two my mothers baby face. My father has a unique way of walking, he’s the only person in our family that's walked that way until I came. His way of walking has affected the way people view me, I’ve been told it makes me look like a strict boss. As for my mother I inherited her baby face, this also affects how people view me, I'm viewed as a kind gentle person that people trust, but when I’m seen walking, people then to think differently.
My definition Nurture is any behavior or way of thinking that has been learn in order to adapt to one’s environment. My behavior to other people in accordance to the behavior I learned in my household and behavior that I learned from my friends so that I might “fit-in” better with others. What I learned in my household on good and bad and right and wrong has influenced I view others, I see the world according to what my parents have taught me. As for my friends, I’ve learned new behaviors from them so that I can “fit-in” or better adapt to different changing situations.
I believe that Nurture has had a bigger impact in my life than Nature. Why, because everyday of my life since I’ve stepped outdoors of my house I’ve had to adapt or change to different situations. From meeting friends, to finding a girlfriend and to getting a job, even now I’m still changing with every new challenge presented to me. As for Nature, I feel that it simply laied down the foundations for me to always fall back on when I need guidance.

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