Nazi Propaganda

Nazi Propaganda

Nazi Propaganda Essay.
The Atrocities committed in the holocaust rest in the darkest page in the history of man. Stories of murder, starvation, human cruelty and indescribable racism are what eventuated from the holocaust. A question continuously pondered in reference to the holocaust was that of “How did the German’s not care about the maltreatment of the Jews”. The harsh truth is, they were happy to see the Jews, along with the gypsies, gays, blacks and cripples sent off to the slaughter. Through a complicated web of newspapers, children’s books, radio programs and public rallies it was hard to not be caught up in it all. Hitler employed a propaganda minister by the name of Dr. Joseph Goebbels, and as he said in 1937: “The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it”.

There was absolutely no escape from the propaganda, as it was enforced by laws. A very big means with which to spread these messages of hatred was through the publications of newspapers, movies and even postcards. Every newspaper printed in Berlin had to go through Goebbels office before it could be sold. One particular newspaper, DerSturmer, which literally means ‘storm trooper’, was particularly anti-Semitic. The front page would often include pictures showing the stereotypical Jew: A fat man with a big nose and a sack of money. A popular German movie titled “The eternal Jew” was also very anti-Semitic. Everything shown in publications was placing blatant beliefs into the wide accepting German public’s mind, and as time passed the propaganda blurred into everyday life and became less shocking, to the extent that it became routine.

Hitler believed that for the Jews to be properly exterminated a big persuasive campaign had to be put forth to the German youth. Through means such as picture story books, poems and caricatures it became particularly easy for the Government to...

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