Never Cry Wolf

Never Cry Wolf

Book Review
Never Cry Wolf takes place in the late 1940’s and the early 1950’s in Canada. Farley Mowat is a biologist in Ottawa, Canada who is given the task to find out why arctic wolves are killing so many caribou. Farley flies to Churchill where he is supposed to find a plane to take him to the Barren Lands. The pilot who is supposed to take him refuses to do so and so Farley has to find a new pilot. After Farley finally finds a pilot who will take him, his only choice is to leave some of his materials and equipment behind, because the plane can’t carry it. Farley finally is dropped off of the plane but now he has a problem. When he asks the pilot where they are, the pilot says that he doesn’t even know but he does know it is good caribou country. Contact with his quarry comes quickly, and Mowat discovers not a den of prowling killers but a courageous family of skillful providers and devoted protectors of their young. As Mowat comes closer to the wolf world, he comes to fear with them of the bounty hunters and government exterminators out to erase the wolf community. Never Cry Wolf is one of the brilliant narratives on the myth and magical world of wild wolves. In addition to man's true place among the creatures of nature. "We have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what we deliberately and mistakenly perceive it to be -- the mythological epitome of a savage, ruthless killer -- which is, in reality, no more than the reflected image of ourself."
I would recommend this book to any reader, not just an animal lover even though all animal lovers will love this book. I recommend this book because it is unlike any other book. You will start to get hooked onto the characters and the book. It’s almost like you form a relationship with the characters. This book is also written off of very detailed observation notes but also has many opinions. I love how Farley describes and tells what the wolves are really like in the real world and not the viscous beast...

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