New Position

New Position

Career development Career development Manuel E. Alcivar University of Phoenix I am proud of inform that I will be offering several new positions and these roles of the company would be to provide an incentive package competitive to the marketplace also I would ensure that the employees would be able to further their career by utilizing our resources and benefits which would be specified in detail. With the opportunities that we would create to the employees our company will be in the forefront in the cleaning business. The marketplace would be strong for our plan this company plans to pursue. This will ensure that our company will be driven to be competitive in the 21stcentury. The appraisal system we are going to use first will be the performance appraisal which would be created by management to have supervisors fill out and rate the employees performance in the sales department this form will be filled out twice a year and at the end of the year the end score will affect how much of a raise the employee would have. The other form we will be using will be for supervisors and managers and the form will focus on how managers and supervisors supervise their employees and if the manager and supervisor did a great job delegating to the staff. “A basic human tendency to make judgments about those one is working with, as well as about oneself.”(dulewicz, 1989) this statement basically shows that with the performance appraisal judgment of employees are not relevant and also with the form the employee has little room to argue with the result of the appraisal. The differences between both appraisal systems are that the performance appraisal is used for the employees in the sales staff and quality assurance. This would provide management and supervisors with the tools to see if the employees can move up in position in the future. The form is set for coaching opportunities if needed. The employee which shows a high score on the appraisal and supervisor position opens...

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