

The United States contains thousands of television channels, radio stations, newspapers and magazines, not to mention the thousands of internet news sources available. The question “what is news?” has divided the mass audience whom is becoming interested in more customized information. The type of news people select often takes the form of opinionated entertainment rather than politically oriented information because information is being turned bias by news corporations to create profit. People are losing interest about real issues and as celebrities are used to lure us into television, we are becoming more concerned with what we wish ourselves to be than what is happening in society. The media needs to be reformed because useless entertainment stories are becoming more prominent than hard news.
Why are there so many celebrities in the news? Why is the media so saturated with stories of the personal lives of celebrities? Celebrities are used as bait on television, having been woven into tradition, mainly to attract attention to a cause or event. Television companies use this as an advertising tactic because they know that we want to see these successful people and watch them. Vocal artists are asked to sing the national anthem all the time, to embody the country in a way that everybody accepts. Because of this, many overlook the actual reason or cause. Everyone commenting on how good looking that person is or how well they can sing the national anthem instead of swelling with national pride.
The faces of these celebrities are causing people to lose interest on real issues. On the CNN website, the three top stories are displayed at the top right of the page, if you are superficial enough, you will find it. each accompanied by a small icon: “Tot mom, hot body contest,” “Make up: Lived in is Beautiful” and “School makeup battle.” The media, profit driven and rating crazed, feeds off the most basic of human needs: to feel accepted. To do this, advertising relies...

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