Nigerian Civilization

Nigerian Civilization

Is Nigeria a Civilization?
This essay is about Nigeria and whether it is or isn’t a civilization. It contains the seven traits of a civilization. Technology, religion, arts, government system, writing, agriculture, and social structure. It will conclude whether Nigeria is a civilization or not.
Writing is the first trait. Nigerians use this skill to write letters, record data, and write documents. They also write in different languages. The record history too. Writing was, and continues to be, an important part of Nigerians lives.
The next trait is government system. The kind of government system that is in place in Nigeria to take care of citizens are strict laws, armed police officers, strict enforcement, and normal inspections. These were all put in place to keep peace and order in place.
The third trait is arts. Art is an important part of Nigerians lives. They make works of ivory carvings, grass weaving, wood carving, leather and calabash. They also make pottery, paintings, cloth weavings, glass, and metal work. These are some important forms of art in Nigeria. Artists still continue to make beautiful works of art in Nigeria.
Next is religion. Religion played a huge role in Nigerians lives. The most influential ethnic groups in Nigeria are Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa. The two largest religious groups are Muslims and Christians. There is also a small group of people who practice traditional religions. Nigerians are very passionate about religion.
Social structure is the next trait. At the bottom of Nigeria’s social structure are the farmers. Next are the civilian every day workers. After that are the government workers. Then the government officials. And Last the president. Nigerian social structure is a lot like American social structure.
Sixth is agriculture.70% of Nigeria’s civilians engaged in agricultural production. Nigeria's wide range of climate variations allows it to produce a variety of food and cash crops. The staple food crops include...

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