Night Terrors

Night Terrors

Night Terrors
Edited By: Lois Duncan
Moon Kill
This story is about a boy that sees a murder. He has nightmares and is scared of the killer coming back for him. He wasn’t very popular but became right after the murder. The person killed was her crush. She never noticed him before until one day she broke up with her boyfriend and walked home with the boy. The boy invites another girl to come home with him to use her as bait to attract the killer. He supposedly drives him away. But the next day he is called by the cops to come out of his room for questioning.
Girl at the Window
This story is about a boy that moves to town where apparently nothing happens. The first night he sleeps in his room he hears a scratch. A girl knocks in his window, she was drunk and said that that was her home. The next night the girl does the same thing but this time invites him to go out and prank people. He then climbs up a tree with her and friends but she falls. Then he awakes in his room and reads the newspaper about him screaming and reliving something that happened a long time ago.
The Dark Beast Of Death
In this story a girl lives in a bad neighbourhood. She’s tutored by a nice guy in her public library. Her gang is at war with another gang, and her aunt, friends and acquaintances are in gangs, everybody but her tutor. One day her tutor gets stabbed. Later she finds that her friend killed her tutor. She is determined to tell but it’s faced against getting beat to dead. She later decides that she was going to do the right thing.
The Beautiful Thing
This story is about a boy that deeply hates his step-father or father (to me is not clear). He has many bad influences and he is really admiring of a bad kid. One night he shows him a gun and he wishes he had one so everyone would respect him.
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