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PREVIEW: History 185 Quiz 2
1. Europe experienced an economic depression in the 1870s because
the discovery of gold in Africa weakened European currency.
Europeans had overinvested in the textile industry.
European population declined.
Europeans produced too many goods that could not be sold.

2. All of the following are true of the Second Industrial Revolution except
steel became more widely available.
electricity emerged as the preferred source of power.
the state remained uninvolved in industrial development.
new organizational business models developed.

3. After 1870, European cities
grew in size and population.
declined in size and population.
restricted the number of immigrants from foreign countries.
remained roughly the same size as they had been fifty years earlier.

4. The Industrial Revolution was linked to all the following changes EXCEPT
growth of cities.
increased use of money.
growing equality in the standard of living.
increased pace of work.

5. Otto von Bismarck was
a self-made liberal businessman who united Germany
the moderately liberal king of Prussia who united Germany
Prussian military commander who forced German unification
the conservative Prussian minister who united Germany

6. Germany was united
by conservative forces in the state led by Bismarck
by liberal forces in the state led by Bismarck
by liberal forces in the state led by Austria
by conservative forces in the state led by Austria

7. Anti-Semitism
originated with Hitler's belief that Jews caused Germany to lose World
War I
became acute because of scholarly writings on racism in the 19th century
worked to dispel stereotypes about Jews and to end discrimination
was popular only in Eastern Europe where Jews were more numerous

8. For the factory worker, the first half of the 19th century was a period of
uncertainty and transition
security and...

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