Notes on Bram Stoker's Dracula

Notes on Bram Stoker's Dracula

Baxter, Gisèle. "Notes on Bram Stoker Dracula." 4 May 1999

This author is not that credible but seems reliable. The
Author is not bias. The author seeks to be as least bias as
possible. The source will be useful in developing the
characters of Dracula and their attachment to the material

“Dracula addresses the fear of things we cannot
prove scientifically and rationally, and the
ways we still rely on magic, ritual and faith to
comfort and even to save us in an age of
scientific curiosity and achievement. Stoker's
characters are in love with modern technology:
with telegraphs and trains, with typewriters and
gramophones and primitive recording devices.”

“The invasion Dracula attempts provides a
suggestion that people may be pompous and
pretentious in feeling they can know and
control everything: there are mysteries which
perhaps cannot be fully grasped. Dracula is
defeated by human effort using tools of ritual,
not by science or reason: "God's madmen"
must do "wild work." If this is a conventional
tale of good triumphing over evil (or order
triumphing over disorder), then does it have a
proper hero (if so, who is it?), or does Stoker
emphasize the cooperation of the vampire

“Dracula creates a world in which the fragility
of social constructions, of social order, is
revealed and the fears underlying it are...

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