

114A – Short Descriptions of the Progressions

Progression I: Explaining Problems and Issues
Assignment 1: Summary and Reconstruction
Assignment 2: Letter to a Friend or Family Member: Explain the problem or issue
Assignment 3: Letter to a Relevant Public Figure: Explain the problem or issue
Essay: Essay Explaining a Problem  This 3-4 page paper is a type of expository (explaining) essay that informs readers about a problem without taking a position in a debate. (Essay #3 will ask you to argue for a solution to the problem, so you can keep a separate page of notes; set those “what should happen” ideas aside, but don’t lose them.)

Progression II: Visual Imagery and Profiling a Person, Place, or Community
Assignment 1: The Word Picture: Observing the Space (summary description)
Assignment 2: Narrating the Scene: Observing the Space (analytical interpretations of summary)
Assignment 3: Interview
Essay: Descriptive Profile Essay  This 4-5 page profile essay requires you to observe and understand a person, place, thing, or community. A profile is a type of expository (explaining) essay that is heavily influenced by narrative elements to show real humans that are influenced by the problem at hand. By incorporating descriptive observation and interview, you will have an opportunity to show the emotional impact of the problem or issue that you have chosen. Consider what point (thesis) you want readers to learn from your essay. This provides a foundation for the 3rd progression by helping you consider and develop emotional aspects (pathos based claims) that can help you develop a strong argument. You will include a works cited page to cite your interview. You will not do additional research at this time.

Progression III: Formulating Arguments
Assignment 1: Picking a Position
Assignment 2: The Dialogue
Assignment 3: Argumentive Proposal
Essay: Persuasive Argument  This 5-7 page paper is a persuasive argument essay. Your goal is to argue for a...

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