Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex

In Sophocles’ play,” Oedipus the King” there are differing situations relating to the ability to see things literally compared to having vision symbolically. This motif repeats again and again in this story and becomes one of its central themes. When Oedipus begins his life, his parents are told by an oracle that he will ultimately kill his father and marry his mother. In an effort to avoid this fate, his father, Laius, orders that the child be killed but when his mother, Jocasta, brings him to a mountaintop and leaves him to die, he is rescued by a shepherd. Both parents have actual vision, but they are unenlightened because they believe that they can prevent the will of the Gods and change fate through their actions; in reality, in Greek legends again and again mortals are unable to alter the course of their fates once they are decided upon by the Gods. Laius and Jocasta are blind to the inevitability of the oracle’s prediction, an example of having the ability to see yet lacking the vision to accept the course of their futures.

By contrast, Teiresias, the blind prophet who made the prediction, lacks the ability to actually see, eg. vision, but he is able to envision the future more accurately than those with eyesight. Without the use of his eyes, he is still able to “see” Oedipus’ past as well as his destiny. In this story, the blind man is actually the oracle while those who retain their sense of sight are the blind ones who either ignore or deny what is literally in front of them. When Oedipus is told that he is fated to kill his father and marry his mother, he believes that Polybus and Merope, the couple who rescued and raised him, are the potential victims of this prophecy so he flees, believing that in doing so he is saving the life of his father and avoiding the sin of incest with his mother. Like his parents, who thought they could alter the will of the Gods by getting rid of their child, Oedipus lacks the vision to understand that his fate...

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