office hours

office hours

John Doe
Meeting the TA
For this assignment, I visited for TA during his office hours for my math class, which is Statistics-48 (also commonly known as Calculus for Business). It was an educational experience, not only for my academic growth but also personal growth. Going to visit my office hours was essential for my academic experience because I needed to master the learning material if I want to do well in the class and in my future job. This experience was also very benefittal growth because I needed to be more proactive in getting help, especially for my homework. Even though I knew that going to visit my TA was benefittal and neccessary, I dreading going because it would disrupt my schedule. But once I went, I was very glad that I did. When I went in, my TA and I both greeted each other before he started helping me with my math homework. He helped me identify which formula to use for which problem, and showed me how to use the Z-score table, which is used to measure the confidence interval or the probability of an event occuring on a linear graph. After he helped me with my homework, we then proceeded to him reviewing the problems that I got wrong on my midterm. After we were done, we discuseed my grade and then I left. I was very glad that I went to see my TA and that he helped me. I feel much, much better for my math final now. I hope that I do very well on it. In conclusion, going to see my math TA during his office hours was good for my personal and academic growth.

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