Old Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

  • Submitted By: Tibe
  • Date Submitted: 06/28/2014 2:30 PM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 4125
  • Page: 17
  • Views: 1

Old Testament Survey-
A Journey Through the Old Testament

It is widely known that over a period of thousands of years, the stories from bible have been serving as a pillar for shaping up the lives, faith and beliefs of people who are from the Abrahamic communities. Approximately, since last 6000 years these stories which are often referred as Old Testament in various circles of Christians have been a guideline for many communities associated with Abrahamic views. The Old Testament of Protestants has been found to have basic texts over which this text has been based upon. This book “A Journey through the Old Testament” by one of the most renowned authors Elmer Town; is an effort of providing the basic knowledge to a reader (Town, 1996). This book is basically a beginner’s guideline or introductory chapter for those who want to open up their mind and eyes to the foundational texts of Old Testament.
It’s been more than two decades that this book has been published. This book has revealed various biases of the author but on the other hand it also shows a little dating too. This paper has been divided into three sections (Town, 1996). The first section presents a detailed summary of the book and most of the major topics will be covered up to give away a clear picture of the text. This will allow the author to present the crux of the book and what it is mainly aimed at. The second section will be presenting the interpretation considering the viewpoint of the author and the meaning associated with it. In the end a conclusion will be presented with the questions asked by the author and the reason why this book should be considered as an essential part of educational enterprises where development of beliefs take place for a person (Town, 1996).
For the beginners of Christianity, this is an ideal book which will give them a deep insight into how the religion was originated, how people used to lead their lives in the light of the...

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