One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Raul Donis
April 6, 2007
1 English. Per. 4

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
Ken Kesey
311 Pages. 35 Hours.
2. Theme.
This book expresses many human conditions along with the characters. It communicates hate, happiness, hope, and the search for freedom. Which are many conditions that can be seen in humans everywhere.
3. Setting.
The story begins in an Oregon psychiatric hospital in which Randle McMurphy arrives as a transfer from the Pendleton Work Farm after he was declared crazy. This Hospital the mental patients are divided into Acutes, who can be cored and Chronics, who cannot be cured. In this place the patients were treated badly, when a patient rebels, he is sent to receive electroshock treatments and sometimes a lobotomy. Another setting in which the story took place was the Lake. McMurphy who unwittingly took on the responsibility of rehabilitating the others patients in a morning took the hospital bus with ten patients inside of it and took them to a fishing trip. In this trip he showed them how to defuse the hostility of the outside world and helps them to fell powerful and masculine as they catch large fish without his help. The story also takes place in the Disturbed Ward which is where the patients receive electroshock therapy. McMurphy and Chief Bromden were there because they got in a fight with the aides to defend George Sorenson. This part of the book shows the really dark side of how the patients were been treated in the Hospital by the persons who are suppose to take care of them.

4. List Of Character.
Randle McMurphy
Randle McMurphy is a big, redheaded gambler, a con man, and a backroom boxer. His body is heavily scarred...

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