Online Shopping During the Holidays

Online Shopping During the Holidays

I am a shopping addict. Whenever I need a pick me up, shopping always makes me feel better. However, I have developed a hatred for shopping in brick and mortar stores to do my Christmas shopping. Being able to shop in the comfort of my own home, have access to a wider variety of stores and products, and not having to deal with the crowds of people are all reasons why I prefer to do my shopping on the Internet.

Being able to shop from the comfort of my own house is great. You can shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You get to pick which time is more convenient for you. If it is hot outside, you don't have to go out in the heat. If you don't feel like getting dressed, you can wear your pyjamas. If there are a couple feet of snow on the roads and you can't get out, you can still shop. You can listen to whatever music you like while shopping online. You can also listen to the TV, talk on the phone, or listen to nothing at all. However, if you are in regular stores, chances are you will have to listen to Christmas music starting in November, or hear other stuff you just don't care to listen to. I think that this would be especially useful for those who do not celebrate Christmas. Imagine being Jewish and having to listen to "Jingle Bells" for a couple months every year.

Shopping online offers a wider variety of stores and products within a few clicks. This is very important to me since there are few stores in my town. However, I can get on the internet and find anything I need or want in a matter of minutes. Comparison shopping is also very simple because you can access a number of stores in a minimal amount of time. Discount coupons are more readily available online than in regular stores. There are many websites like that are very helpful in the deal and coupon department. Purchasing gifts online for distant friends or relatives is very convenient because most online stores will take care of it all for you if you check the...

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