Oprah and Elie Wiesel Episode

Oprah and Elie Wiesel Episode

Oprah and Elie Wiesel
When Elie Wiesel was speaking to Oprah about what he went through in Auschwitz he said “No one who wasn’t there could ever imagine Auschwitz.” At first when I heard him say this to Oprah I didn’t think that it could possibly be that bad. I thought that maybe something like a death of a loved one could compare to it. Sure it was an unbelievably hard thing to go through but it was imaginable. But when you actually think about all the horrible things they put these people threw it was heinous. As I imagined more of what Elie described I realized that I wouldn’t have been able to survive all of what he went through. The concentration camps were like a horrible nightmare that these people would never wake from, like a never endless misery. Something as to which way you were told to go could be critical. “Right meant death”, said Elie as he described how each individual was separated. It’s hard to believe that all these horrible things could have happened and the world stayed quiet. For years the Jewish people suffered from the Nazi’s tormenting and no one in the world seemed to care. As Elie went on describing his experiences he stayed strong, not a single tear came out of his eyes. It was as if the whole situation had changed him in a way. When Oprah asked him why he thought he survived Elie simply answered ‘it must have been a mistake”. Even after all the horrible things the Germans did to the Jews, they still did not wish to get any revenge on the Germans. Which clearly showed what good people the Jews really where, and that they really didn’t deserve all the things that were done to them. What Eli went through would be hard to imagine, and it should always be remembered what Jewish people went through to me they are true heroes.

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