organization behavior paper

organization behavior paper

Organizational Behaviors
April 13, 2015
Jo Hogg
Organizational behaviors will always play an important role in determining an effective functioning of any organization. We have to have a complete understanding of how the organizational behavior works and to help in the better management of employees/people in any organization. Some of the strategies and policies that many organizations adopt will also depend on the organizational behavior. (Kelly, Joe. Organizational behavior)
One of the main components of an organizational behavior is the people. Of course, when managed in the right way the organization will perform extremely well in the market. Each one person has a goal to fulfill and they want to achieve that. There should always be proper communication amongst everyone in the company. Managers should enhance communication of their employees. The management team should focus on making sure that there is an existing trust between all employees. Teamwork plays a big part as well and will help to improve employee efficiency. The organization should always keep track of all competitors in the market, labor forces and also reaction of the people to the changes that are always happening in the global market.
Organizations come in two divisions: Informal organization and formal organization. When we look at informal this does not have a structure that they follow however, formal does have that structure that they follow. With having structure the formal organization are dependent and each employee in different departments have their own ideas and objectives that 100% of the time are connected to the organizational goals. Every employee follows structure. Some of the lower level employees will report to a manager then it continues to go up to the person who will make the final decision. The structure if any organization has many different factors such as size, number of products, skilled and experienced employees and managerial...

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