Origami Project

Origami Project

Origami is the Japanese word for paper folding. The word “origami” is created by two words together. One is from “ori” meaning “folding”, and the other is from “kami” meaning “paper”. It is an art form whose goal is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques. Origami has become a well-known phenomenon in the world. People can share their ideas or stories through paper folders such as animals, birds, fish, geometric shapes, puppets, toys, and masks. Nowadays, there are many websites that teach people how to make origami. One of the most favorite website that I often follow is www.origami-make.com.
Origami-make.com is a website provides many various origami models with different levels: basic, intermediate, and advance. I try to make traditional origami shirt for beginner level. Its instructions are very easy and clear for me to follow. For examples, to complete the shirt, I have to do 11 steps. The website gives step-by-step directions, and has the slideshow of pictures to illustrate each step. Moreover, under each picture, it describes the step in clear and simple words that I can understand and follow. In addition to present the instructions successful, the slideshow has functions that help followers to pause, go next or back. It is very helpful because sometime, I can’t follow when I read or watch the instruction at the first time. I need to go back and repeat that step many times until I finish. Therefore, in my opinion, Origami-make.com is a good website for people who are really interested in origami.
However, the website becomes more complex and it’s hard for me to follow when I try to do intermediate level. For examples, when I try to make an origami starfish, I completely fail. Although it is not hard for me to follow, I can’t continue because of its instruction. The instructions make me be impatient to finish. The format of the instruction is as same as for basic level, but...

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