

With the growing need for American companies to remain competitive in the world marketplace, there is a greater use of outsourcing jobs to other countries. When companies use outsourcing it has a grave effect on Americas economy, workforce, and way of life. If American companies keep looking overseas for a cheaper labor force, how long will it take until the average American can no longer afford to have a place to live, or put food on the table for their family?
As a nation, are we contributing to our own poverty problem? For those few who profit from outsourcing, they would say no. For the many workers who now have no job, or now work for less money, they would say otherwise. According to Frank LaGrotta, “Outsourcing Treats working Americans like waste products of a Robin - Hood- in- reverse strategy to rob from the poor and give to the rich” ( LaGrotta, 2004) The numbers are startling, there are over three million less jobs in the United States than there were 15 years ago. In the next ten years there are expected to be an additional three million jobs lost to outsourcing abroad. This in turn starts a chain reaction. The more products that are made overseas, the more plants and factories in America are shut down. The more plants and factories that are shut down mean more American jobs are lost, and the unemployment rate in the United States goes higher. With the unemployment rate growing higher and higher, there will be less money for the American people to buy these products that were sent overseas so that we can get them at a cheaper price. In the short term it may save Americans money on their purchases, but in the long run it will hurt us all.

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