Patriarchal System and Before -

Patriarchal System and Before -

In ancient times in Greece have some systems which are governed people. With these systems governed people and people decide how can survive their life. These systems are patriarchal value system and the older system which is related to the great goddess. And Theogony expresses how the conflict between patriarchal value system and the older system of values related to the great goddess.
In patriarchal system fathers are dominant. The father or male elder has absolute authority over the family group; by extension one or more men exert absolute authority over the community as a whole. According to the Theogony these conflicts are started with race of the gods such as Zeus and father, Uranus and Kronos, the three fates, the divine Titan and the gods Kronos and final conflict passed between Hera and her husband Zeus.
First conflict in Theogony passed between Uranus and Kronus when Aphrodite was born. Because, Uranus was castrated by his son Cronos. Cronos threw the several genitals into the ocean which began to churn and foam about them. From the sea foam arose Aphrodite.
Other conflict in Theogony about the three fames. These are Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos, who when men are born give them their share of things good and bad. From these three fates who name is Atropos cut by fearful women.
Another conflict in Theogony is Uranus and Zeus’s conflict. Uranus wants to eat their children because he wants to prevent a son from replacing him as universal sovereign emphasizes the fierce savagery of Zeus’s Titan predecessors. But they rescued from him because of Rhea. Rhea gave Kronos stone instead of Zeus and Kronos regurgitate other children. Exactly like this Zeus won the conflict and Uranus lose the conflict.
Another conflict in Theogony is between the divine Titan and the gods Kronos. They sired struggled for a long time against one another. With heavy hearts, they did battle against one another and fought...

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