Persuasive Outline Steriods

Persuasive Outline Steriods

South East Asia
Mughal Dynasty 16th – 4th-2nd Centuries BC
Gupta Dynasty, 4th-5th Centuries
British Raj-
* Hinduism
* Islam
* Jainism
* Sikhism
* SrZoroastrianism
* Christian
* Buddhism
Mohandas Gandhi
Chandragupta Maurya
I don’t want to be here right now. This class is boring and she is a terrible teacher. She jumps around and can’t stick to one subject. The other guy is a way better teacher and makes it interesting. I can’t stand her voice. I don’t even know what she is trying to say right now. Like she has no clue what she is saying and now is making crap up. Ok she now I talking about someone she has never even mentioned before and asking questions about something no one knows. She is the teacher so teach!
Sri Lanka-djf;lajksfgjfigdfgdfgijhpofg j;zl;jzfg; lj;flkgj l;zjfglj;li gj; ljkg;ljfg;lkjd;lfg ;lkdjf ;lkjdfl;gkj ;lkjglej gijerl gj;elirj ijergl;kja;lrkjgl;ejg;lnr l; l; g;ljr ; ;l jfgl;j ;ljr ; lei jrgiojr oijae[orijp oijor; oij oije ijor ij oijadgoij ija opi oijaf goij oiaj eoi oigjoirjgopi jopijd roigj oij ioj riogj oijafiojg nfb;lkdpfoigj ioj go ojaflgh akjr oiahfgp oijdfbherg oihrgpu herpgoh a oghrpgh poih i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i jk uhrfuh fph jh pohp pdfph oij fpijdppoi npo op oijop fgijepoij gpoijdfp [ipdjfg ojepg i jfg; fpgfp o i ijf poiejr gopij iogj i ioj goiej gpije rijer opi jgopiej oiio io joi jfiojr io io rjgioej rgij ieor jgpiojrg[i[ier i ri jgi iqjs dfi aoigj oi aopifj go fijgop irjeiorj i ijfgio jigjp a fgpoj iapgj pi j
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