Pheromonal Influences on Young Women

Pheromonal Influences on Young Women

  • Submitted By: chokureto
  • Date Submitted: 03/01/2009 3:19 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 678
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 364

Year of Publication: 2002. Title of the Article: Pheromonal influences on sociosexual behavior in young women. Title of journal: Physiology & Behavior Volume and Page Numbers of Article: Volume 75, Issue 3, Pages 367-375. The purpose of the study and the experiments was to investigate whether the use of synthesized pheromone formula has an effect on the sexual attractiveness of women. The experiment was conducted as a double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation. The pheromones were given to the women during their consecutive menstrual cycles. The hypothesis proposed by the authors was that “_a greater proportion of subjects using pheromone than those using placebo would show increases over baseline in intimate sociosexual behavior involving a male partner.__” _(Pg 368, 1) The subjects for the experiments had to go through a series of criteria that included, but are not limited to, sexual orientation, marital/relationship status, contraceptive usage and the like. They also had to test through the “_Eyseneck Personality Inventory_” (Pg 368, 2.1) in which a score more than 2 standard deviations above the norm meant immediate elimination. After a series of drop-outs and withdrawals, 36 women were chosen to continue on with the experiment. They were then asked to fill out a personal information sheet asking about their sexual, reproductive and contraceptive history. The subjects were then asked to record their daily sociosexual behaviors which were described as “_petting/kissing/affection, sleeping next to a romantic partner, sexual intercourse, formal dates (pre-agreed and scheduled in advance), informal dates (not prescheduled), male approaches, and masturbation_.” (Pg 369, 2.3) Subjects were blue glass bottles for application of their own preferred perfume. The subjects were asked to join the researchers for a meeting on day 22 of the experiment for...

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