Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion

Does God exist? That is one of the questions asked by millions of people

around the world. Another good question is that of freewill; Do we have freewill?

There are many athiests and rational athiests that believe that we do not have

freewill. This is why in the continuation of this paper I will analyze and explain

my views on the argument of freewill. With basic knowledge and logic, I will be

able to introduce new ideas and perceptions to this argument.

"God gave me freewill. But God knows everything. So God knows what I am

going to do next. But if God knows what I am going to do next, I must do what

God knows. But if I must do what God knows, I am not free to do what I want.

Therefore, I must not have freewill."(class notes) This is the argument shown to

us in a philosophy class when doing philosophy of religion. This argument to me

is a fair argument but it is biased in its entirety. It fails to accept our other side.

God is all benevolent, however us as humans are not. We have a certain duality

where we are not all benovelent but not all evil at the same time. This is what

science defines as Bi-polar, hollywood defines as the little angel and the little

devil inside of our conscience or our own little Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and what

the Christian defines as our good side and our bad side. It's funny really cause

we all as a people, seem to accept the fact that we are made up of two

essences and yet we seek all goodness, as if wanting to do away with our other


In order for there to be balance in our world, there must duality. In order for us

to know what good is, there must be bad, in order for there to be day there must

be night, love and hate etc. I am going to abide by the Christian concept of this

perception just because it is fairly less complex and more understandable. God

is the creator of all, however God is not the only all omnipotent...

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