Physics Speaker Paper

Physics Speaker Paper

Speaker Final Paper

The speaker project is intended to consolidate everything we have learned this year pertaining to speakers, vibrations, waves, and electromagnetism. This project requires us to use the information from past units to construct a pair of functioning speakers, therefore demonstrating that we not only understand the concepts of physics but that we can apply them in an everyday manner. Throughout the group work we gained a deeper understanding of the physics topics, as well as a furthered understating of the components of a speaker.

In order to justify this project in place of a final, the physics concepts that we have to elaborate on that pertain to speakers are waves, vibrations, and magnetism. Beginning with waves and vibrations, vibrations are a wiggle in time, and vibrations create waves; making waves a wiggle in time and space. Waves transport different things according to the type of wave created. The Crest of a wave is the highest part of a wave, while the trough is the lowest part of a wave, the Amplitude is the distance from the midpoint of the wave to the trough. Nodes are the points along the wave that can be touched, they do not move as the wave moves; while antinodes are the highest and lowest points of wave that have the largest amplitude. Longitudinal waves transport sound; the sound is created by a vibration in a medium that is transported away from start in all directions by longitudinal waves. Sound waves are created by a series of compressions and rarefactions, which inflicts high pressure and low pressure, to push the waves away from the source. Sound waves travel in lines parallel to their direction. Pitch describes sound, the pitch changes as a result of direction and speed/motion. As sound passes the listener and moves in the direction away from the listener the pitch decreases. The Doppler effect changes the pitch according to motion, as the speed or the distance traveled per unit of time, increases, the...

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