Place of Duty

Place of Duty

Being at the place in the right uniform is always repeated in the army. Every soldier needs to respond to this responsibility especially when deployed to the combat theater. The chain of command needs every soldier to be where they are supposed to be at the right time, so the unit can accomplish its given mission.
When soldiers are not at their appointed place of duty it causes a chain reaction first it makes everyone wait on that person which pushes everything back during the whole day in turn making everyone work harder and faster to accomplish their mission so they don’t have to stay longer, this usually makes everyone have a very bad approach and bad attitude and by doing so this causes accidents and people get hurt this way. If anyone gets hurt due to a safety issue then everyone will have to go to classes on safety and pushes the mission time frame back again the viscous cycle continues
Being where you are supposed is also important because the chain of command may have important information to put out. When a soldier is uninformed he cannot accomplish the mission properly. Noncommissioned officers have the responsibility to keep you informed and if you are not at your prescribed place of duty non commissioned officers cannot accomplish their task of keeping you properly informed, so then they have to come looking for you. This makes everyone’s job harder and places unneeded stress on all individuals involved.
Everyone is late every once a while, but this is not an excuse there is no excuse for not being at the right place at the right time in the right uniform for anyone from the command sergeant major of the army to the newly enlisted private if you cannot follow this simple task you may have to work late or longer or may even get demoted and have to do extra duty for a longer time then you were absent for. If you waste the army’s time the army will waste yours and this is a very true statement.
Every service member in the military is a valuable...

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