Political Ambition and Economic Concerns Not Religious Beliefs Were the Main Motivations of the Pilgrimage of Grace' How Far Would You Agree with This Statement?

Political Ambition and Economic Concerns Not Religious Beliefs Were the Main Motivations of the Pilgrimage of Grace' How Far Would You Agree with This Statement?

Political ambition and economic concerns not religious beliefs were the main motivations of the pilgrimage of grace' How far would you agree with this statement?

The main motivation of the pilgrimage of grace was region, but political ambition and economic concerns were important in gaining wider society's' support. This is because the pilgrimage of grace was originally an uprising from the commons, which later evolved to be led by the nobility and gentry’s classes. The commoners themselves on the whole, wouldn't have sought political ambition as under the feudal system it was above their station in life, and it was difficult to distinguish economic concern from the church in the commoner’s local communities. However, the higher classes did have other motivations for getting involved along with political ambition and economic concerns.

The evidence for religion being the motivation for the pilgrimage of grace is seen in the religious connotation's of rebellion, from naming it to a 'pilgrimage' and the religious oath taken by the rebels. The pilgrims, as they named themselves, marched under the banner of St. Cuthbert and the pilgrims has the badge of the 'five wounds of Christ' sewn onto their tunics. The pilgrims themselves clearly saw themselves as defenders of the faith, and used their image to show the crown their religious motivation and wants; to restore local monasteries. The oath which the pilgrims took stated their religious motivation that the cause which they were protesting for was 'almighty god, his faith and to holy church'. The oath and use of religious icons shows the pilgrims wants to be perceived as protesting in defence of the faith, and the fact that their religious motivation continued to be seen throughout the pilgrimage, in the rebels which joined their cause and the articles written is important. However it has been argued that the use of the religious banner and oath was to make the cause look nobler rather then just selfish...

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