Population and Urbanization

Population and Urbanization

Population and urbanization is one of the growing concerns of not only this country but the rest of the world. Although population and urbanization growth has lead to many advances it has also lead to many problems. Population is a collection of human beings while urbanization is the physical growth of rural or natural land into urban areas as a result of population in-migration to an existing urban area.
Human population can be explained by a number of characteristics such as; mortality, migration, family, public health, work, labor force, and family planning (wikipedia). Right now the world’s population is around 6.7 billion people which in turn has lead to hire rates of unemployment, poverty, and depletion of the world’s resources. With advances in medical technology people living longer and birth is becoming easier. More and more children are being born healthy and not succumbing to childhood illnesses. In turn to these seemingly good things we have lost our handle on the economy and the environment.
As more and more people come of age to work others are being pushed out of their jobs. Also as more and more people enter the job market the market isn’t growing fast enough to offer them a place of work and income leading people to be unemployed. Poverty levels have risen because of this and once impoverished birth control is almost impossible to come across and children are born into poverty.
Immigration seems to be a major concern in this country as we are already strained by our own over population and failing economy. Immigrants see America as the land of opportunity and come here to find work and start a better life and by entering our job market they decrease the amount of jobs available to the people in this country. Not only is this bad for immigrants who need a job to support their families here but it is bad for the citizens here who also need to support their families. This doesn’t only occur in America though, many other countries...

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