

It’s a law in the United States that an organized prayer in a public school would be considered as unconstitutional. Furthermore, the only type of prayer that is constitutionally permitted is a private and voluntary student prayer as long as it doesn’t interfere with the school’s educational mission. Recently, the controversy over whether the government should or should not allow prayer in public schools has been more of a concern to the public, creating differing opinions in the matter of politics mixing with religion. One group of people is the liberals who believe that religion has no place in the government - not supporting school prayer. The other group of people is the conservatives who believe that there should be religion in schools, but I for one, side with the liberals. A separation of church and state would be the most satisfactory solution to the prayer controversy, there’s no need for arranged prayers in a public school. In fact, allowing the exercise of religion in public schools will lead to more debates between the government’s institution that involves schools and the churches that represent people’s religious beliefs. To avoid such arguments, it would be far more efficient if religious prayers were kept out of our public schools.

If religious and moral teachings play a part in public schooling, it will create ethnic intolerance in families and schoolmates. Some students may not be able to partake in certain school prayers because the practice goes against their own religious beliefs. Then students who were unaware of their religious differences will start to discriminate against other students whose religion they think is less superior to their own. When a person is stereotyping about another’s religion, the victim might feel pressured to change their religious beliefs to be accepted by their peers. This then arises another issue of parents that don’t approve of their children to be adopting beliefs that may be contrary to the parent,...

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