Pre Revolution

Pre Revolution

Eight years has passed since the victory at Lexington and Concord, since King George III declared the thirteen colonies in a state of rebellion. Benjamin Franklin is negotiating the treaty of Paris as Britain hands the country over to the patriots. Why did this happen? What could an empire do that would make its people stand up and fight against them?
The year is 1763, the French war is over and peace was brought to the Thirteen Colonies, The population neared 2,700,000 (1), the most populated city being Philadelphia with 30,000. The British colonies were being closely watched by the far country of England. Located across the Atlantic Ocean, England kept strict rule over the new British Empire. They made laws such as the Navigation Acts of 1691 which said the colonies must only use ships made by England and import all manufactured goods from England. The biggest law says the colonies may not manufacture their own goods from their own raw materials. So New England was under tight rule to begin with then that the in america britain i wrote this just to join and its great and many people will use it for their homework and it will be funny to see that happen. I am using it so i can join this program of the unthinking majority. I just want my own essay so i don't have to ever do it myself. Other people will do it for me. I am just typing whats coming out of my head the end. Two hundred and fifty words will be used in this essay which is about joining this web site to get a free essay for school okay now i will check and see if i have two hundred and fifty words written down on this free essay that i wrote for school.

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