Pro Football Player

Pro Football Player

Pro Football Player get Paid too much
One: Personally, I think they're all overpaid, rookies and veterans. If you ask most football players if they would still play football for $80,000 per year instead of $800,000 or $8 million, they'd say yes. It's almost certainly a better proposition than whatever else they'd be able to do in the labor market. If Sam Bradford had the choice between playing in the NFL for $80k/yr or looking for an entry level job in Oklahoma City, what do you think he'd do? Every dollar above $80k is icing on the cake. Technically, it could be considered economic rent (Arrowhead Pride).
Two: In economic terms, rent is a misnomer. It does not refer to money you pay a landlord for your apartment. It refers to the money above the minimum amount required to induce the employment of a resource. There is always rent claimed by both sides of all voluntary transactions, otherwise people wouldn't agree to the transaction in the first place. Similarly, there is always surplus value gained by purchasing something above its cost. When you buy something at the store, you enjoy the benefit of the good above its price, and the store enjoys the benefit of the cash above its cost to provide the good (Arrowhead Pride).
Three: It seems to me almost all of the economic rent in professional sports goes to the players. It's hard to imagine any other multi-billion dollar company paying more than 60% of its revenue to a few hundred employees. It's not that the salaries are high in absolute terms; it's that the athletes would gladly play for far less. I think that's partly why so many people object to the high salaries for many professional athletes (Arrowhead Pride).
Four: "I don't know why athletes get paid so much," Clark said. "I understand that the sports industry makes a lot of money, but how could you pay someone that amount of money when people like teachers make next to nothing?" Professional Athlete Salaries a Continuous Matter of Debate).


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