Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

Program Planning and Evaluation Paper

Program Planning and Evaluation Paper
Rebecca Kirkland
University Of Phoenix, Axia College

Program Planning and Evaluation Paper
What exactly does it mean to hear the words, program planning, or program evaluation, as it relates to a human service organization? This paper aims at answering that question exactly. In addition to defining the terms, this paper will discuss how they are related, and different, and how both terms relate to my chosen scenario, which is the PEACE agency. I will finally talk about technical and political aspects of both program planning and evaluation, and how this also relates to the PEACE program. At the end of this essay, I hope to have shown my increasing knowledge about these two terms, and also how they will relate to my chosen scenario. I hope you enjoy what I have to say.
To begin with, let begin by defining both terms. Program planning involves a variety of elements, including finding the program need, capacity, planning for program resources, as well as planning how the program will be delivered to its consumers. It also involves evaluating program activities and outcomes. A program planner would determine the course of action for the program, as well as what goals need to be achieved in a certain amount of time, and what resources will be needed to achieve these goals.
Program evaluation on the other hand takes the program that an organization has ran with, and by using methods that are fair, uses these techniques to evaluate the program for effectiveness. This is one part of the management process that many organizations are falling short with. This is the only way to hold an organization accountable, and to determine how effectual you as an organization are being. What is the purpose of running an organization if you aren’t making a difference in the community? Evaluation is related to Planning because one is a part of the other. Part of program planning would be evaluating the program for effectiveness.

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